In The Media

13 Of The Best Hashtag Campaigns Of 2021

Hashtag campaigns can go viral quickly if enough social media users jump on the bandwagon. When brands are able to come up with a hashtag that captures the interest of audiences on social media platforms, the results can be phenomenal for their marketing. However, not just any old hashtag is going to produce these kinds of outcomes.

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16 Ways PR Can Continue To Innovate And Remain A Critical Discipline

Marketing and Communications Professionals working in public relations use digital channels to connect with consumers and build relationships that create trust in the company and its offerings. Good PR can be a game-changer for a business that relies heavily upon a positive public perception to fuel its profitability.

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How To Get More Of The ‘Right’ Contacts On An Email Marketing List

Building a contact list is a key step companies must take before they can launch email marketing campaigns that help them reach and connect with their target audience and convert prospects into customers. To create an effective list, marketers must first convince consumers to join it and then retain their attention by consistently sending engaging content that inspires them to open branded emails when they hit their inbox.

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A General Guide To Mergers and Aquisitions

Last year, Deloitte found that 42% of the executives at U.S. corporations and private equity investor firms who were surveyed indicated an increased interest in exploring nontraditional mergers and acquisitions.

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10 Of The Most Common SEO Errors (And How To Rectify Them)

New automated tools are making the optimization of websites for search engines easier than ever. Nonetheless, some common SEO errors may still be overlooked by those responsible for managing those technologies as they seek to ensure they deliver the desired results and boost the business’s search engine page rankings.

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15 Summertime Tips To Help Marketers Prepare For Fall Campaigns

For marketers in many industries, work slows down during the summer months as business begins to lag, budgets are reassessed and employees take time off. While some teams will move dormant internal projects off the back burner, engage in professional development or find other ways to leverage the downtime, others take advantage of the inevitable summertime slump by getting ready for fall campaigns.

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14 Key Customer Engagement Tools Startups Need In Their Martech Stack

Every startup today needs to leverage marketing technology to be able to grow, scale, build strong customer relationships and keep up with competitors. However, not every startup has a huge marketing budget, and most can’t afford to spend those dollars on consulting fees and solutions that may not meet their needs in the end.

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15 Expert Tips For Creating Effective Explainer Videos In 2021

An explainer video is an excellent way to introduce potential customers to your company or a new offering. The goal of an explainer is to explore a problem your product or service solves, then show viewers why they need it and why they should choose your brand over your competitors.

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How To Optimize A Website For Voice Searches: 11 Expert Tips

While search engine optimization (SEO) once relied almost exclusively on refining website copy to match the words and terms people most frequently typed into browsers, today’s users are embracing voice search in a big way. This evolution, driven by the popularity of voice assistants and smartphones, makes it fast and easy for searchers to simply ask a smart speaker to find the information they seek.

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11 Social Media Retargeting Mistakes For Marketers To Avoid

We've noticed mistakes committed by Salt Lake City marketing companies when it comes to retargeting. Even if you’ve struggled to get the results you seek from your global, or Salt Lake City social media retargeting campaigns, don’t write off this tactic. The truth is, retargeting on social media can be a highly effective way to regain the interest of users who didn’t convert the first time they visited your website. However, rushing into a remarketing campaign without a solid strategy can lead to careless mistakes.

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10 Must-Attend Conferences For Agency Owners And Professionals

The advertising and marketing world is chock-full of events claiming to be unmissable. Now, whether your are a Salt Lake Ad Agency or if you're based outside of Salt Lake City, so many of these events are virtual and more accessable than ever. As agency owners and professionals know, the buzz alone that surrounds some industry conferences is enough to lead scores of people to flock to them every year. How can you tell which ones are worth not only the hype, but also the expense?

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Valuable Data Points Utah Advertising Agencies Look for in Google Analytics

Utah companies seem to struggle to find ways to store and read data. Marketing companies in Salt Lake City can help clients navigate through the muchness of data to turn in into valuable information, but there are simple steps small business owners could take to learn about client behavior and turn it into valuable recommendations. Some agency clients aren’t able to address important questions their marketing partners need answered in order to devise the best strategy to meet their needs. Luckily, analytics tools can help agencies uncover illuminating data points that clients can’t provide up front.

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